Monday, March 15, 2010

Carter's Birthday

Carter is such a great big brother!!! He is such a good help around the house with the baby, and the dog. When i ask him to help me, he never complains. I love him so much!
He had his birthday last week. I am horrible for not posting it before now. But it was a great birthday. He turned the big 4!!! I cant believe how time flies. It literally seems like yesterday that he was as big as Gavin. He got a new big boy bike, clothes, toys, way to much... I also forgot my camera when we all gathered at firehouse so i will post them later. my dad, and brothers were great to remember theirs.
Carter, thank you for always putting a smile on my face, and for your big hugs, and tender heart. I love you so much! Happy Birthday Kiddo!


Bryce and Britt said...

He's such a stud!! I just love Carter!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Carter-what a cute kid!! Gavin is a stinkin DOLL!!