Wednesday, November 3, 2010


 Saturday night Carter went to bed with at least 2-3 pieces of gum, around 4 am Carter came into my room screaming with a pillow stuck to the side of his face, I did the bandaid method, quick less painful??? Right? Carter sure didnt think so. I was not about to get up at 4 and handle the situation so he slept in our bed till morning. I tried EVERYTHING ice cubes, peanut butter.. Finally it was time for Jason and I to go to primary and give our lesson so I took him over to my wonderful mothers house to handle the situation.

 Notice, No gum.... she used Goof off!!
 Chillin as a family after church on sunday, Lovin on the Love sac.
I swear I have the cutest Boys around!


Unknown said...

HAHAHAHA thats dang funny! It prob wasnt at the time but im laughing :) You do have the cutest boys around-along with mine ;)

Bryce and Britt said...

Too Funny!! Can I just say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Carters hair longer and gelled like that, he's so handsome! I just love your boys to death!

Jessica said...

Hi Tenaya! I saw your blog on Amy Parker's. Your family is so cute! I don't think I knew that you married Jason Garrett, that is crazy. They lived up the street from us growing up. Your boys are adorable and I know what you mean about your baby growing up. I have a 16 month old and time has gone way to fast. It was nice to catch up with you!