Outside My Window...is the signs of spring. And my little Carter riding back and forth on the sidewalk on his new bike, He had his little "WORK GLOVES" on and helping Jason unload wood from the back of the truck.
I am Wearing...My favorite pajama pants, and sweatshirt.
I am so Grateful...The sounds of my kids talking and laughing, Carter reviewing the sounds that animals make to my little Gavin. My husband having pillow fights with the two boys... They adore him!
I am Thinking...What on earth am I going to do for my little family to make Valentines Day memorable.
I am Creating...New craft ideas.
I am Missing...FRIENDS... I love my close friends. We ALL went out to dinner the other day, and I miss all those bonds we have.
1 Thing I Love About My Job Right Now...I love helping the little ones learn new things. Discover new things. But most of all, I love the fact that it let's me stay home with my little men. I Love nothing more than to see EVERYTHING they experience.
I am Hoping and Praying For...My Brother on his mission, that he stays safe, and knows that we love, and pray for him EVERYDAY. And that my boys grow to be loving and respectful young men!
From the Kitchen...Comes the smell of homemade breadsticks that I made for our family Valentines Day dinner today...
A Few of my Favorite Things...My Husband texting me, and telling me that he loves me, without any reason at all. My Babies Loves. Carter wanting me to be apart of EVERYTHING that he does. My Family, and inlaws being so supportive of all we do. My bulldog. Fountain Diet mt dew. Camp fires. Grilled cheese sandwiches, and tomato soup. Making wood crafts. Having friends come over. Serving. A clean house, and being on top of the laundry pile!
My Love...My family... Dogs and all.
Today..I enjoyed staying home with my family, making breadsticks for our dinner, and heading out to feed the horses. I love doing all of these, BECAUSE I AM WITH MY FAMILY!
My hero...The men in my life! My dad, because I have always been a daddy's girl. He has always been so supportive of everything. even the struggles I have been through, he has stood by my side,
My Grandpa Tom, Because I dont know anyone better than Him. He was the most unconditional loving man I know. He was the REAL SANTA! and Never forgot anyones name. He always made you feel like you were important when you were in his company. He is greatly missed!
My Grandpa white, Because he is so sincere. Even when he does not say a word, you feel his love, and concern for you and your family. He Has a strong testimony of the church, which I admire. He is a great man!
My father-in-law Paul. He has such great love for our family. He is so sweet with my little boys, when he is with them.. he is WITH THEM! there are no distractions. Even when his body is hurting, he will be down on the floor enjoying there company. He has helped our family more times than I can count! He calls in and checks on me during the week days, and brings me a cold diet dew when he can tell that I am stressed.
My husband for all that he does for our family. He works so hard so that I can stay home with my kids. He loves Me even at my worst. He is adored by our little boys. They light up whenever he walks in the room. He is the Man for me! I love him soooo much.
But my mom is also one of my hero's she is so in tune with the spirit. she has always been my other crying shoulder, and one that I can go to no matter what. she has been such a wonderful mom, and I love her more than she knows. she does so much for me and my little family!
My Friends...OH how i love my friends. The laughs and tears, and memories that we have all shared. I hope that I have just as much impact on their lives, as they do mine!
My Joy...The laughter of my children. My family.
My Blog... Is the best thing I have to keep track of our lives. I love IT!
My Future...The future does scare me. Its the unknown that I dont like. But I just want to make sure that my family makes the most of everyday. Live, laugh, and love!
How To Care For Snake Plants
1 day ago
YAY you did it! It was so fun to read yours :) I love and miss you guys too! Isnt it crazy that im closer to you than my own sister in law?!
i LOVE that you are closer to me than her. but I was not crossing my fingers at all!!!! Love you guys.
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