Thursday, October 14, 2010

Elder White

 Yesterday my dear brother Landon left on his mission!:( I dont handle these events very well, even though I will see him again, it just seems as though I want him to be HERE to experience what we are doing. But he is where he needs to be, and thats the important part.
My family drove down to Roy to have our Last supper/breakfast before heading down to Provo.

 Dadadadadad and Gavin
 Elder White and Gavin.
these two are really going to miss one another!!

The family pictures after breakfast. I was crying the whole time while standing out here... I H.A.T.E goodbyes! I love this Elder dearly, and will keep him in our prayers always. I wish him the best of luck out there!
L.O.V.E you Lando!

1 comment:

Angie said...

hey, tenaya!

i didn't know you read my blog, so i am so glad you left a comment today! i am just so impressed with how frequently you blog here. grandma is always telling me that she reads your blog. isn't that funny that she is in the blog loop?

i hadn't realized that landon left for his mission... that's how great our families communicate!

he is such a great guy. clayton too.

so, since our parents stink at communicating, i say "forgettaboutem" and we'll just blog hop each other and keep in touch!

your boys are adorable and it really looks like you guys know how to have fun. kinda makes me want to move to wellsville and live that life. so different than here!!

have a great day!
